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One of the most clever songwriters and quick-witted live comedians in the business... with his high speed, low-drag act that constantly changes and evolves, Pat has such strong material and improv skills, no two shows are ever the same... not even close.
seen and heard on last comic standing the howard stern show the bob and tom show schedule get tickets

Big Red

IMG_0244About halfway through my set at “The Brig” in Sumter, SC, the chatty Shaw Air Force Base crowd started chanting “Big Red, Big Red, Big Red.” What the ? Where did I lose control? I had no idea what was going on, so I asked the throbbing mass of military why they were yelling “Big Red”? (never ask a question you don’t know the answer to) In no time at all a big, drunk redheaded dude jumped on stage, pulled his pants down, and with his ass facing the crowd—dropped a deuce. The place went nuts! After a little scuffle, the bouncers threw him out and left me doing my act next to a steaming hot pile of Big Red’s feces. Thanks to my 6-year stint on morning radio, I had plenty of scatological jokes and songs to save me. This sh*t is killing.

2 months ago, I was working in Florida and a dapper gentleman approached me before the show and said, “I’m Big Red… remember me?” I said, “I do. You got one in the hopper? Crowd looks a little tight.”

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