About halfway through my set at “The Brig” in Sumter, SC, the chatty Shaw Air Force Base crowd started chanting “Big Red, Big Red, Big Red.” What the ? Where did I lose control? I had no idea what was going on, so I asked the throbbing mass of military why they were yelling “Big Red”? (never ask a question you don’t know the answer to) In no time at all a big, drunk redheaded dude jumped on stage, pulled his pants down, and with his ass facing the crowd—dropped a deuce. The place went nuts! After a little scuffle, the bouncers threw him out and left me doing my act next to a steaming hot pile of Big Red’s feces. Thanks to my 6-year stint on morning radio, I had plenty of scatological jokes and songs to save me. This sh*t is killing.
2 months ago, I was working in Florida and a dapper gentleman approached me before the show and said, “I’m Big Red… remember me?” I said, “I do. You got one in the hopper? Crowd looks a little tight.”
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